Premium Kit A2-i Includes: 1 X Demodex Defence Cleanser (DDC) 1 X Pro-Demodex Treatment (PDT) The Premium Kit A2-i 2in1 is recommended for light symptoms caused by Demodex, and should last about 1 month. Total treatment should take longer, depending on the severity. Recommended treatment length is minimum 3 months. Make sure to contact our team to consult lengths for treatment. The Demodex Defence Cleanser (DDC) takes control of the oils on your skin and scalp, and replaces them with natural essential oils Demodex hate. The Pro Demodex Treatment is a all rounder, treating skin, body, and environment, such as pillowcases, bed sheets, combs, etc., to remove the Demodex, and can be diluted for sensitive skin users. Ungex Pty Ltd