Procerin Shampoo Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo is a scientifically developed shampoo designed specifically to fight the causes of male hair loss. Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo is an easy and effective way to fight male hair loss without prescription drugs or side effects. Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo contains naturally derived ingredients to promote a healthy scalp for hair regrowth, and powerful components to block the chemical process that causes males to lose their hair. Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo gently and naturally removes DHT from the scalp, allowing the hair to regrow. How Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo Works to Regrow Your Hair Procerin Scalp Therapy Shampoo's active ingredients are scientifically developed to target the specific enzyme that converts the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone is converted by the enzyme 5 Alpha-Reductase (5AR) into DHT, which attaches to androgen receptors in the scalp and kills the genetically susceptible hair follicles at the crown and temple area. DHT is what causes your hairline to recede, and a bald spot to appear on the top of your head.