Nutrient 950 with Vitamin K 180's is a meticulously crafted multivitamin and multi-mineral supplement designed to complement your daily wellness routine. This hypoallergenic formulation provides a spectrum of nutrients, including essential vitamins like vitamin A, C, D, E, and a range of B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and more, to support overall health and wellness.*At the heart of Nutrient 950 is its emphasis on optimal absorption. Our activated vitamins and chelated minerals are tailored for easy uptake by the body, ensuring that you get the most from each capsule. For those concerned with bone and arterial health, the inclusion of vitamin K2 in its most active and bioavailable forms, MK-7 and MK-4, alongside vitamin D, provides targeted support without the common irritants.*As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules, 1-2 times daily, with meals.At Pure Encapsulations, we're dedicated to providing nutritional supplements you can trust. That's why our products are formulated using high quality, pure ingredients FREE FROM unnecessary additives and many common allergens, and backed by verifiable science. Everything you need and nothing you don't: that's goodness encapsulated.When developing our products, we work in close collaboration with leading medical professionals and nutritional experts to create premium dietary supplements that you can feel good about. We source high-quality ingredients from the best suppliers, conduct research and clinical trials to confirm efficacy and safety, and undergo additional testing by accredited and cGMP-certified laboratories to ensure product purity and potency. We also believe in transparency, so every ingredient we put into our products, even if it's just a trace amount, is listed on the label. If there's an ingredient sourced from a possible allergen - we call that out too.