Crafted to achieve superior taste and balance, our sparkling grapefruit beverage authen-tically captures the essence of fresh grapefruits - delivering a delightful combination of bitterness, tartness, and just a hint of sweetness. The secret lies in our choice of ingre-dients, specifically sourced from Florida grapefruits, ensuring that each sip mirrors the true and vibrant flavors of this citrus fruit. In our commitment to transparency, the on-pack ingredients panel emphasizes the dis-tinctive quality of our sparkling grapefruit. Many grapefruit sodas flood their concoc-tions with excessive sugar, attempting to mask the genuine grapefruit taste. Unlike them, our beverage remains true to its roots, presenting a flavor profile that is fresh, bit-ter, and tart, with a subtle sweetness derived from the inclusion of Florida grapefruits. Additionally, we prioritize a fizzy and crisp experience in every sip by packing in abun-dant carbonation, further enhancing the overall refreshing and authentic grapefruit sen-sation.