Redmond Re-Lyte Electrolyte Mix with a team of healthcare and fitness experts determined to create the cleanest, most effective electrolyte drink we could. Re-Lyte Electrolyte Mix restores key electrolytes your muscles need to function well - and it has a salty-sweet flavor without any junk - no sugar, no throwaway ingredients. Re-Lyte works better because it has two times more sodium than most electrolyte drinks. We use delicious, unrefined Real Salt brand sea salt, so Re-Lyte Electrolyte Mix can replace the sodium we lose throughout the day and still taste great. Ideal micronutrient blend. Formulated with experts to include a 2:1 sodium:potassium ratio along with other crucial electrolytes for cell performance. SODIUM: 1000mg POTASSIUM: 500 mg COCONUT WATER POWDER: 100 mg (flavored varieties only) CHLORIDE: 1585mg CALCIUM: 75mg MAGNESIUM: 60mg +60 trace minerals Re-lyte Electrolyte Drink Mix Strawberry Lemonade 30 Servings 6.88 oz.