RECAMIER 34332 KERATIN SHAMPOO DAMAGE REPAIR SALT FREE You gotta try Recamier new keratin shampoo! Keratin helps to rebuild the protein structure of your damaged hair. Over time, it should leave your hair silky and smooth. Our salt free shampoo provides a gentle cleanse to your scalp and luxurious shine to your tresses. You will notice your strands more manageable after several washes with the brand new Recamier shampoo. Recamier brand new special repair shampoo is the best hydrating shampoo you can get. Use our argan oil shampoo to maintain the health of your hair and leave it feeling full and smooth. This fantastic shampoo restores the flexibility of the hair to create body with structure, it nourishes your strands deeply and helps to detangle your hair after every wash. With Recamier soft shampoo not only do you get a keratin-infused shampoo with this product, but youll also reap the benefits of the moisturizing argan oil. If keratin infused shampoo alone isnt enough to get your hair back on the road to health, the super-moisturizing argan oils will do it. Our fantastic hydrate shampoo will do the trick to get your hair back in shape. Recamier nourishing shampoo works with keratin to hydrate the scalp and return oils back to dry hair, and also to maximize the silky smoothing effect you can buy both our argan oil shampoo and conditioner. This moisturizing shampoo will be your perfect ally to help you get your hair back where it should be. Use recamier dry damaged hair shampoo every time you wash it!CABELLO SUAVE Y NUTRIDO:El nuevo champu de keratina y aceite de argan de Recamier es la formula ideal para reestructurar la fibra capilar. Cada mechn de tu hermosa cabellera se sentir mas suave, manejable y nutrido si usas fielmente nuestro champu de keratina y aceite de argan. Notars tu melena desenredada y notablemente saludable con el pasar de los das gracias a este nuevo champu Recamier.