Rooster Booster Faster X3 New Formula 90 Capsules Whey Protein Vitamins HEALTH SUPPLEMENT CAPSULES Mixed Nourishing Fighting Chicken for Big Muscle & Mass Gain, Breeding, Healthy, Strong, Hen FeedHigh Whey protein X3 nourishing chicken of all kinds in capsule Strong X3Fast results X3Fast absorption X20*Use only 1 - 2 capsule per day.*Chickens are ready to breed better.Compatible with all breeds properties Whey protein X3 nourishes Chickens more concentrated than all Formula, rich in many herbs that are beneficial & nourish body of the rooster. There is no mixture of antibiotics, easy to digest, absorb, not fat, strengthen the muscles, nourish and repair the wear and tear, suitable for chicken, bantams, hen, Poultry, Bird, rooster, hitter, egg, beautiful chicken and chicken of all kinds. - High protein and calcium. Peptide from Whey Protein X3 is useful & easily digested.Able to absorb nutrients for use in the process of creating & repairing the worn parts immediately- Contains amino acids high amounts of BCAAs- Low fat, not fat chicken - Special herbal formula helps strengthen immunity, is flying well and is stronger & more powerful. - Helps to strengthen the muscle bundle and increase the strength of the muscle bundle, good healthy - Helps to heal internal wounds and help repair the body's wear and tear. Recovering from Sick or after the crash to heal faster - Helps the digestive system to function well, absorbs sensitivity, good shit, lumpiness - For breeding, Chickens are more ready for breeding. Solid eggs, beautiful chicks are born healthy. - Beautiful shiny hair, smooth skin, bright eyes - Compatible with all breeds of chicken1 bottle contains 90 capsules