Optimize your health and build a strong foundation with Seeking Health Vitamin D Drops. Whether you get little sun exposure or follow a seafood-free diet, our single-droplet vitamin D liquid supplement is designed to support your body's bone health, immune system, and brain health. With a dose of 50 mcg (2,000 IU) of the active form of vitamin D3 per single droplet, this vitamin supplement supports bone health by aiding calcium utilization.*Our vitamin D3 supplement drops support immune health, brain health, and muscular energy. Vitamin D3 supports the first step of serotonin synthesis via activation of the TPH2 gene, which in turn supports brain health. Our vitamin D3 drops supplement is designed to support the immune system's function, making it a vital part of your health regimen. This vitamin supplement has an olive oil base to provide a fatty base for the fat-soluble vitamin D3, so there's no need to take this product with food.At Seeking Health, we believe there is a fundamental step missing in todays healthcare system. A consistent focus on treating symptoms, rather than building health, can mean that you cycle in and out of symptoms and treatment over and over. The root cause for many health conditions and symptoms stems from ineffective digestion and poor diet, along with other issues like environmental exposures, sleep issues and even a lack of community.If you support your bodys built-in systems, especially digestion, with pure, highly absorbable, well-formulated nutrients, your ability to remain healthy rises. We want your foundation rock-solid, and we provide the tools to help you make it so.