Optimize your health and build a strong foundation with Seeking Health Vitamin D3 + K2 Drops. This formula contains a powerful combination of Vitamin D and K to support bone strength and density, as well as immune system function.Vitamin D is necessary for the body's absorption of calcium, making it essential for aiding healthy bones. The benefits of this liquid Vitamin D drop extend beyond bone health. Vitamin K2 supports circulatory health and immune support. Vitamin D3 and K2 Drops is a targeted formula containing 12.5 mcg (500IU) of vitamin D3 and 50 mcg of vitamin K2 in a convenient liquid format. When combined, these two essential vitamins support healthy bones, heart health, and immune function. These two vitamins also synergistically support healthy arterial structure and function for blood flow and cardiovascular system wellness. Seek better health with these Vitamin D3 and K2 drops.At Seeking Health, we believe there is a fundamental step missing in todays healthcare system. A consistent focus on treating symptoms, rather than building health, can mean that you cycle in and out of symptoms and treatment over and over. The root cause for many health conditions and symptoms stems from ineffective digestion and poor diet, along with other issues like environmental exposures, sleep issues and even a lack of community.If you support your bodys built-in systems, especially digestion, with pure, highly absorbable, well-formulated nutrients, your ability to remain healthy rises. We want your foundation rock-solid, and we provide the tools to help you make it so.