These 4 flavors of muesli from Seven Sundays are packed with flavor; non-GMO projected verified, gluten-free, 100% whole grain muesli. Muesli is a healthier alternative to more processed breakfast foods like granola, cereal, and oatmeal that will give you more energy for the day ahead. You can eat muesli steeped in hot water, with cold milk, mixed into your breakfast yogurt or treats like pancakes, waffles, cookies, muffins or bread. This muesli is also great as a mid-day snack or a topping for a dessert such as ice cream.Our muesli is different from granola in that it doesnt have added oils, is less sweetened, and is not baked for a fresher, lighter taste. Ingredients include natural gluten free oats, sorghum, buckwheat, nuts, seeds, spices, lightly sweetened with honey and sun-dried fruits. Made in the United States rather than imported from Europe, our ingredients are responsibly sourced for a better breakfast that helps you live every day better.Seven Sundays Muesli was an idea born in New Zealand that traveled around the world to share with you a better breakfast that will bring you together with those you love. It gives you a time to refuel, reset and plan your next adventure.