My name is Paul and I wore flannel before it was cool. Nowadays, I would be called a Giant Hipster (although Im not completely sure what that means). My companion is Babe the Blue Ox, who sticks by me no matter what, even when Im hangry for not getting my fill of buttermilk pancakes in the morning. Although my problems sometimes seem SO big, there is one thing I can ALWAYS count on. Its my Babe approved, Simply Great LUMBERJACK Beard Oil. This brawny bottle brings me back to the forest with its blend of fragrant fir needle and soothing cedarwood. Anytime Im away from my special place, I can grab the bottle, rub it into my beard and Im a happy camper. Now, woodn't YOUR beard love some Lumberjack Beard Oil? I don't think I even have to axe!