THYME LEAF - This herb is known for its understated yet powerful taste, providing a perfect balance of woodsy, herbaceous, and pleasantly aromatic notes. Pure fancy grade whole organic thyme leaves.
BEST USES - Perfect for seasoning a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, sauces, roasts, and Mediterranean-inspired recipes. Use it to add depth and complexity to your favorite meals.
ORGANIC BOTTLED SPICES - Elevate your dishes with Simply Organic Bottled Spices, where the pure, delicious flavor of our spices and seasonings bring the goodness of organics to everyday meals.
GROWN FOR SOMETHING GREATER - Simply Organic works directly with sourcing partners whenever possible, paying fair prices directly to them, without a middleman, to maximize the grower's return.
ABOUT US - We are Simply Organic. The original, all-organic spice brand that lives up to the promise of our name in all we cultivate and bring to the table.