Superlife Stc30 is a natural dietary health supplement that is taken sublingually i.e. applied under the tongue (enabling 95% of its nutrients to be immediately absorbed). It is a plant-based food therapy. It is sold by leading Superlife world in Malysia Anti-Aging & Regenerative Clinics and Specialized GMP facilities. Superlife Product is approved by several international bodies around the world international bodies and approved in over 45 countries. Superlife Stc30 activates your own adult stem cells naturally and provides robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in our body, cellular health is crucial to our overall well being and good health. Each pack contains a 15days supply which is 15sachet.A month supply will be 2 boxes of stc30.The recommended dosage is one sachet a day and at least 1 month dosage