Here at Sugar Bob's, we run a small, family and friends maple sugaring operation. We make our own maple syrup with love, care and dedication. Somewhere along the line we discovered the magic of infusing smoke into our finished syrup, and our kitchen hasnt been the same since. We gently infuse the richest and darkest pure maple syrup with hardwood smoke to create this magical and all natural addition to American cuisine. Sugar Bobs Finest Kind is made from real maple syrup and real hardwood smoke - nothing else added. Using food grade compressed air and venturi injection principles, we bubble low temperature maple and beech wood smoke through a finished vat of maple syrup for roughly 24 hours. Key aromatic notes and flavors are preserved while we refilter the infused syrup to deliver a clean consistent product for your cooking pleasure. Taste a little. Very strong. Probably not for your pancakes. But used in small amounts, blended with savory ingredients, Smoked Maple Syrup is a transformative secret addition to the gourmet experience. In using Smoked Maple Syrup, the goal should not be to make your dish obviously sweet or smoky. These are background supporting role flavors that let your main ingredients shine and your guests marvel at the depth of your culinary skills indoors and out. Smoked Maple Syrup is versatile and dynamic. It blends and punctuates. Use it in glazes and marinades, sauces and gravies, soups and stews, indoors and out, to bring your culinary experience to the next level.