The 'Activated Sunshine' Vitamin - The rumors are true. Vitamins K2 and D3 were simply meant to be together. Shine's D3K2 (as MK4): Nutritional support for a healthy immune system* Promotes strong, healthy bones, muscles & teeth* Fosters cardiovascular health* Promotes a healthy mood* Supports healthy cognitive function* What Makes Shine Different? BioAvailable form of D3 (many supplements & fortified foods contain D2, which can bioaccumulate to unhealthy levels) K2 as MK4 is the most widely studied & body identical form of supplemental K2 Shine's K2 as MK4 is soy free You might've heard about Vitamin D for its incredible benefits including healthy bone strength, immune system support, mood support, and healthy muscle function. BUT, what many dont realize is that Vitamin D needs Vitamin K2 to maximize those benefits. Vitamin D3 can give you the benefits of the sunshine without the sunburn, and Vitamin K2 can direct the calcium to the bones instead of joints and arteries. Shine's combo of D3K2 (as MK4) has you covered - adding just the right amount of each vitamin, in the most bioavailable forms, for optimal results.