For years, Two Old Goats lotions, balms and creams have provided relief to thousands of Americans with aches and pains. It all began with Karen Pharr, a professional quilter, who suffered from dry, chapped and tired hands. After trying several lotions which contained worrisome ingredients or perfumes which further irritated her skin, she created Two Old Goats lotion. Using a highly effective formula that includes a surprise ingredient -goats milk, plus six pure, natural, therapeutic grade essential oils - lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint and birch bark - she at last found relief. Karens friends, family, neighbors and fellow quilters loved her new lotion and soon the demand became too much for Karen. She sold the business in 2008 into the trusted and experienced hands of Richard and Karen Snyder. Over the last eight years, the Snyders have grown a national distribution network while still maintaining the top quality and effectiveness valued by Two Old Goats loyal customers.