True Colloidal Silver - Ultra Silver is nano sized and stays in suspension indefinitely. The process is scientific, complicated and precise. It requires laboratory grade techniques and industrial level equipment to produce. Ultra Silver will not degrade or settle out over time. It is non reactive which makes it ideal for storage and use anywhere.
Lab Certified PPM - We independently test and guarantee our parts per million (PPM) concentration level. We openly share the results which you may find in the product pictures. A TDS meter WILL NOT measure PPM, only total dissolved solids.
Not Ionic - Ionic silver is not colloidal silver. Many products are marketed as colloidal silver, but are actually ionic silver. These will be clear, have a PPM of less than 30 and are produced simply by electrolysis (you may do this at home).
True Color - As the concentration increases, a true colloidal silver transitions from a golden amber to a dark brown. This is the natural coloration of a concentrated, nano sized, true colloidal silver product.
Economical - Ultra Silver has concentration levels far beyond other brands. Our price structure gives us value not found anywhere else! Ultra Silver is typically 15 to 50 times more concentrated than competing products.
Fine Mist Spray - With our new mist sprayer, topical use has never been easier. Just apply 2-4 sprays up to 3 times a day until desired results are achieved.