Uncle Lee's Tea Jasmine Green Tea - Authentic Green Tea, Wellness Tea Rich in Polyphenols and Antioxidants for Immunity & Vitality, 100 Count
Product Details
Brand: Uncle Lee's Tea
GTIN: 49606100011
Size: 100 Tea Bags
Product Type: Green
UPC | EAN: 49606100011
Free Of Fillers and Chemicals. All natural, gluten free, no trans fats. Made in United States.
DELICIOUS AND HEALTHY GREEN TEA: Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea infused with the delightful aromas of jasmine flowers, is the perfect companion for your wellness journey.
JASMINE GREEN TEA INFUSION: Jasmine green tea perfectly balances the astringent, grassy qualities of green tea with the sweet, floral, and subtly perfumed notes of jasmine.
TRANQUILITY IN A TEACUP: The aroma of jasmine green tea is soothing and relaxing, making the individually wrapped tea bags a popular choice for home or the office break room.
BREWING SUGGESTIONS: Enjoy caffeinated jasmine green tea hot or as an iced tea; start by steeping a tea bag in hot, not boiling water for a few minutes - enjoy immediately or pour over ice after cooling.
THREE GENERATIONS OF TEA WISDOM IN EVERY CUP: Experience the pure joy of Uncle Lees Jasmine Green Tea and savor the smooth, crisp, and refreshing taste that has delighted tea lovers for generations.