Buckwheat groats are commonly used in western Asia and eastern Europe. The porridge was common and is often considered the definitive peasant dish. It is made from roasted groats that are cooked with broth to a texture similar to rice or bulgur. The dish was brought to America by Ukrainian, Russian and polish immigrants who called it kasha. Buckwheat contains no gluten and can consequently be eaten by people with coeliac disease or gluten allergies. Buckwheat is actually a plant related to rhubarb and its groats are actually a gluten free seed. This fun "grain" is shaped like a pyramid and is a complete protein, containing all 9 of the essential amino acids. It can be steamed, toasted (check out instructions on back of the bag!), roasted, ground into flour or boiled. Try buckwheat groats in any recipe that calls for whole grains: pilafs, salads, casseroles, soups, granolas, stews or as a cereal on its own. Buckwheat groats are also the key ingredient in traditional eastern European dishes like kasha varnishkes and potato knishes. Cooks in only 10 minutes! like all of our gluten free-labeled products.