Description A Life Changing Routine. Icing your face brings many benefits from treatment, to brightening your face, or just to have an excellent way to wake you up in the morning, with great energy. Healthy And Energetic A quick and easy routine to implement. Extremely good for helping serum absorption on your face after use. A Fresh Positive Start Every Single Day A bad morning can lead to a rest of the day. There's so much more to life than getting irritated from having a bad morning. Not to mention, you will definitely be more awake and energetic after icing your face. Winning the morning means winning the day. Health Benefits - Reduce inflammation/redness - Improves blood circulation for swelling/healthy look - Tightens the face for a feminine look - Reduce fine lines and brightens skin tone - Treats acne breakouts and lessens pores - Eliminates puffiness under the eyes Step By Step Instructions: 1) Fill with water up to the line indicated, do not overfill 2) Plug the mold into the top and put in freezer for 3-5 hours (depends on freezer temperature) 3) Once ready to use, soak with warm to hot water for 30 Sec -1 Minute. Gently twist the top off. 4) Rinse the ice top with water. Roller can now be used on the face in circular motions with no more than 15 second intervals in an area. (If you have more sensitive skin, use a smaller time interval) 5) Continue with your daily skin care routine and make up (if applicable) 6) (Optional) - Make your own recipe. 1. Aloe Vera water for moisturizing, hydrating, & reducing pores 2. Cucumber water for smooth skin & reducing puffiness 3. Green tea water for treating inflammation 4. Lemon water for a brightening