Product Overview: Soap Based Glycerine And Shea used for Soap Making. Product Specifications: Appearance and Odor: Opaque solid with an odor of soap Color: White Clarity: Opaque Melt Point: 118 - 124F Solubility: Water Soluble Flash Point: >212F Storage & Shelf Life: Store in a cool, dark location in a sealed container free from excessive air exposure. Keep away from heat that would prompt melting of a product. 24 months or longer if stored properly. Glycerine Soap Base - White does not contain any of the eight major allergens, which are soy, eggs, peanut, wheat, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean fish. CVO also considers sesame protein an allergen because it has caused allergic reactions to some individuals and thus is a concern to many food processors. Refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) oils do not contain any proteinaceous material. The high temperature and filtration used in the RBD process effectively removes any proteins, potentially allergenic material from the oil. Furthermore, refined oils do not require allergen labeling under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA). Stored Products: Allergens listed below are not found in the production facility, and those marked with * may be stored and labeled in the warehouse in finished form. All products come from approved suppliers.