Are you tired of wasting money on various vitamins or multivitamins? Get all the vitamins you need in one package! - Do you use a multivitamin? - Do you have many vitamin, mineral or supplement bottles cluttering your cabinet? - Do you have to go through many bottles to put together the right combination? - Do you find your vitamins or minerals are of a low quality and expire quicker than anticipated? - Are you worried about low Daily Values? - Are you worried about low quality vitamins, supplements and minerals? Introducing: VitalBulk Daily Health Kit, one product to cover all your needs! The Daily Health Kit is a portable single serving of the most needed daily vitamins and minerals. These vitamins are made by a company that cares. They are produced in the USA using VitalBulk patented systems that dispense a wide variety of dietary supplement pills. The proprietary VitalBulk system protects delicate and nutritionally valuable supplements all the way from the manufacturer to the consumer. They are focused on cleanliness and shelf life. VitalBulk's unique proprietary patented bag liner technology provides beneficial and reduced cost of dietary supplements and helps keep your supplements potent longer than bottled supplements. - If youre tired of buying multiple bottles of vitamins or multivitamins that dont seem to work, try VitalBulk Daily Health Kit. - It works! Buy today and get the results and convenience you are looking for!