Vitamin D3 is a crucial vitamin that primarily helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Our bodies need the right amount of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus to build and maintain healthy bones. It also helps us maintain the health of our muscles, nerves, and immune system. Vitamin D is produced when our skin is exposed to the sun. Sunscreen cream, clothing, limited sun exposure, dark skin, and age can prevent us from getting the proper dose of vitamin D from the sun; which is the main source of this vitamin. So it is essential to supplement our diet with Vitamin D3. Each bottle contains 100 softgels. Recommendation: Adults (from 9 years of age): 1 capsule Vitamin D3 daily. Among its most outstanding benefits is the strengthening of the bones. Vitamin D deficiencies can result in soft, brittle, and thin bones. Which can result in falls and fractures. In addition, a lack of vitamin D in the blood can contribute to cognitive decline.