Whole, Shelled & Raw Georgia Pecans by Farm FreshFarm Fresh is proud to share with you its renowned Pecan nuts: Fresh Crispy Delicious HandpickedPacked with wholesome benefits and amazing flavor, our little bag of pecan nuts delivers a world of taste & nutrients!Momma Nature Knows BestIts no wonder pecan nuts are so widely celebrated and thoroughly enjoyed.Providing with 690 calories/100g, they are an amazing energy source. Furthermore, they offer healthy fats for your heart, making them one of the healthiest snacks you can enjoy on a daily basis as they come with: Antioxidants Vitamin E Calcium Magnesium Potassium Zinc FiberTreat yourself to a handful straight out of the bag, or create amazing recipes!Farm Fresh- A Small American Family Business, With a Big Heart For its CustomersAll Farm Fresh products are hand-picked and roasted in small batches to ensure the best taste & freshness that can possibly be delivered to you.To top everything off, we offer a No-Questions-Asked, FULL-MONEY-BACK guarantee in case there is anything wrong with your order.Click Add To Cart & Add Some Mighty Flavorful Treats To Your Day!