Complete B Complex: Contains ALL 8 B Vitamins, B1 B2 B3 B6 B7 Folate (B7) Biotin (B9) and cobalamin, and all bioavailable active forms. Most B complex liquid supplements contain only some of the B vitamins or cheap inactive forms! You'll feel the difference. Combined benefits: Together, the B complex improves hair, skin, and nails, and mood, brain function, and fatigue. Individual benefits: B1 improves morale, B2 is an antioxidant, B3 supports good cholesterol, pantothenic acid helps hair, skin, and nails, B6 helps create red blood cells and neurotransmitters, B7 stimulates keratin production, B9 (folate) helps red and white blood cell production and fetal development, and cobalamin, the most famous, helps with DNA and red blood cell production and neurological function (for an energy boost!). Scroll down to our infographic for more! Energy support: We also included the "honorary B vitamins" choline and inositol which are recommended to be taken with B complex to support fertility, and serotonin. Also includes citrus bioflavonoids, trimethylglycine (TMG or betaine anhydrous) for athletic performance, hesperidin and quercetin cardiovascular health, and l-carnosine for brain and heart health. Numerous benefits for the price of one supplement! All-natural & vegan: No sugar, preservatives, corn syrup, or dyes. That gorgeous orange color comes from a mixture of bright red cobalamin and yellow bioflavonoids - the healthiest plant compounds are often the most beautiful! Eat the rainbow! Easily absorbed: We use only bioavailable forms and by putting these in a liquid format, your body easily absorbs them so you feel great all day long. B vitamins are water-soluble which means you need to consume them every day, and we make it easy to do so!