Developed by Markus Rothkranz, this herbal formula is a mixture of the hightest vitamin C containing plant sources in the world. Nothing added, no fillers, binders or preservatives, this is nothing but whole dried and powdered plants, no isolates, nothing made in a lab. Almost all the vitamin C sold in stores is synthetically produced ascorbic acid produced in a lab. It isnt natural. Vitamin C is one of the most vital healing vitamins there is. Your body cant make it, you must get it from your food, but most food is seriously lacking in nutrients nowadays. Vitamin C is one of the most vital healing vitamins there is. Without it, other nutrients cannot absorb into your system and the immune system could not function properly. Vitamin C is the second most common deficiency leading to collagen loss. Stress, smoking, stimulants like caffeine and nicotine and medications, especially steroidal meds all lead to declines in vitamin C levels. After years of research, this is a collection of the highest, most powerful plant sources of vitamin C on the planet. Why not just eat fresh oranges instead of taking a powder? An interesting scientific fact is that water (moisture) is an oxidant, and the moment a fruit is picked from its life-source, it starts oxidizing, and since citrus fruit for example are very juicy, all that moisture actually accelerates the oxidation process. Many oranges tested in grocery stores showed almost no remainingvitamin C left, especially after picking, shipping, trucking across the country, warehousing, trucking to stores and sitting on store shelves. Fruit is meant to be eaten the moment you pick it. Now if you DRY and POWDER the fruit immediately after picking, the moisture does not have time of oxidize and the nutrients are captured intact. Plus, since the moisture is removed, all thats left is concentrated phytonutrients, so it takes many many fruits to make just one spoonful of powder.