Ground chia seeds are versatile and can be used in many recipes, smoothies and breakfast cereals. Whole chia seeds may not have all their nutrients released because they are small and thus hard to thoroughly chew. Eating ground seeds allows all their nutrients to be bio-available and easily absorbed. Chia seeds are one of natures richest plant sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. The ground seed releases all of its omega-3 fatty acids. Although many people eat the whole seed, it might pass through the digestive tract without releasing all the omega-3s, which are so essential to good health. Eating ground chia seeds daily promotes regularity and easy bowel movements due to their unique soluble fiber that forms a gel when wet that is soothing to the digestive tract. Chia seeds are very high in protein - higher than grains and comparable to walnuts and almonds. Chia seeds also contain the flavonoids quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol plus chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, all antioxidants that have been studied for their beneficial effects in human health. The antioxidants in ground chia seeds protect the nutrients from going rancid. Ground chia seeds can be kept for many months in an airtight bag. . Our founder has been sourcing herbs worldwide for 40+ years, working in partnership with suppliers to expertly select the highest quality products and guarantee superior flavor. We are not always the cheapest but our botanicals are the best.