Youth & Tonic Super B Complex for Clear Mind & Healthy Energy Metabolism | Mental Focus Stress Tiredness B 100 | Support for Nervous System Vitamin B Complex
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Youth & Tonic Super B Complex for Clear Mind & Healthy Energy Metabolism | Mental Focus Stress Tiredness B 100 | Support for Nervous System Vitamin B Complex
Product Details
Brand: Youth & Tonic
Product Type: B-Complex
UPC | EAN: 92617988208
Metabolic Maintenance B 100 Complex for Adults - 30 tablets / capsules
All the essential B Vitamins in our extra strength formula
High potency Vit B6 + B12 & B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 Biotin B9 Folic Acid + Choline and Inositol - close b-complex vitamin family
We dont store vit B complex in our bodies - theyre water-soluble, so theyre depleted within hours if theyre not used
1 tablet /serving
1 month supply
For super moms and active women who cant afford to feel overwhelmed
B-100 complex when you need some help with energy or stress management
Yes, your hair & nails will benefit too, but this is just a bonus
Superheroes dads and multitasking men who cant afford to feel sluggish
Stay fit in both body and mind to make the most of every day, especially when it comes to juggling a hectic lifestyle
Yes, youll ease the next morning if you get late in night, for any reason
Tiredness and Low Energy
1 high potency & convenient tablet with B-6 & B-12 and all the others vitaminB
Help the body metabolize fats and protein into energy to get rid of excess fatigue
Lifting brain fog and increasing alertness
Support healthy nervous system function and help with stress or mood changes
Bcomplex for clear head & recovery for mental focus