Zazzee Naturals Extra Strength 8-in-1 Immune Support provides is a potent immune booster complex that contains 1400 mg per serving, contains a 60 day supply per bottle, and is packed with 8 powerful vitamins and herbs -- the best value available! Some of the many benefits of Zazzee Naturals Extra Strength 8-in-1 Immune Support include: A powerful 8-in-1 complex Contains 1400 mg strength per serving Contains 180 capsules per bottle Contains 1000 mg of Vitamin C per serving Contains 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 per serving Contains a 60 day supply Contains potent, concentrated extracts An amazing value (be sure to compare against actual dosages, concentrates, and servings in competitor products) 100% vegan, non-GMO, and allergen-free Manufactured in the USA, in a fully certified facility with adherence to good manufacturing policies (GMP) and under the most stringent quality control. Enjoy the benefits of our high potency, concentrated, pharmaceutical grade Extra Strength 8-in-1 Immune Support capsules - at a very affordable price!echinacea immune support supplement zinc zazzee goldenseal capsule imm defense fine land vitamin c in inmunoferon capsula gummies immunosuppressant inmunological men echenacia serving zazee extra strength advanced vitamina vegan mg capsule count organic turmeric curcumin cognitune zazze d soltea probiotics epicor astragalus osha root counter attack ampitrexyl nature bounty hour elderberry green tea fat burner cordoncillo negro herb booster adults beta glucan honey pill mucu antivirus asian immunoshot zaazee enchinacea products defens chlorella upport leukopenia ammume anti viral hiv patient echinea immunity soporte inmunologico respiratory