PERFECT PH-LEVEL: Dr. Jentschura's AlkaBath creates the perfect pH level of 8-8.5. Babies, known for their perfectly beautiful skin, soak in Amniotic Fluid with the same pH level for 9 months. In comparison, most other bath salts (like Epsom salts), create a pH level under 7 which is actually acidic. When you create a higher pH level in the water you are bathing in, you foster an environment that is able to chemically support your body. 8 PRECIOUS STONES ARE ADDED TO ALKABATH: The precious stones that are part of AlkaBath, have properties which allow your bath (or your foot bath) to REALLY regenerate your body. Also has Magnesium Bath Crystals. ALKALINE APPLICATIONS: This Dr. Jentschura product also works perfectly with alkaline applications like Alkaline Stockings, Cuffs, Neck and Body Wraps. GREAT BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: The size of the Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath bath salts are 2750g (97oz's). This is enough for approximately 55 full baths (or 300 foot baths). USED BY TOP ATHLETES: Dr. Jentschura's Alkaline products are used by many top athletes, including the Austrian Olympic winter team among others.