About the Supplement Vitamin D + Bone & Heart Health maintains and supports bone mass, density, integrity and bone strength. It helps maintain and support bone mineralization, along with aiding healthy bone development and building. Vitamin D3 maintains and supports heart health, and the health and function of the cardiovascular system. Additionally, Vitamin D maintains and supports muscle health and strength, healthy teeth, skin health, immune system health, brain health and brain function. Vitamin D3 maintains and supports general health and wellbeing. Each container has 60 film coated tablets. Directions for use: Adults, take 1 capsule with water once daily, in the morning with breakfast, or as directed by your healthcare professional. JSHealth JSHealth Vitamins was founded by Jessica Sepel, a clinical nutritionist, best-selling author and one of Australias most sought-after health and wellness experts. Two years ago, the JSHealth team embarked on a journey to create some of the best health vitamins with unique formulas which work. Say goodbye to fad trends and gimmicks; these formulas are backed by years of clinical research and are proven to work.