Description Who We Are: We at BAMBOEARTH are a company focused on finding sourcing and creating 100% Organic, Natural, Vegan and Biodegradable products - from the product to the packaging, we believe that that the Organic and Eco-friendly approach is the healthiest solution for the people while fighting the waste and working on building an environmentally aware community is our main goal to Zero-waste and Eco-Friendly planet! We always keep improving to provide the best quality of our products to our customers and keep working on our goal to a 100% zero-waste company! Our Product: Our magic crystal hair eraser is made with premium high-quality materials, that offer you effective and gentle hair removal Crystal Hair Remover: Smooth Hair Removal: PREMIUM HIGH QUALITY EXFOLIATING NATURAL PAIN-FREE/ GENTLE Packaging: Compact and recyclable: TRAVEL-FRIENDLY LONG LASTING LIGHTWEIGHT ECO-FRIEDLY ZERO WASTE Our Guarantee: We are proud of the quality of our magic crystal hair remover and the fact that we are helping our planet to heal! If you dont like it for any reason we will provide you with a full refund! Achieve Effective and Pain Free Hair Removal Experience By Using Zero Waste Products And Give Your Skin The Care It Deserves! Click Add To Cart And Order Your Magic Crystal Hair Remover Today!